Phyto-2: Post harvest

Tuesday November 08, 2022 from 10:30 to 12:00

Room: Air

Phyto-2.4 Shelf-life of Nam Dok Mai Si Thong mango irradiated for phytosanitary purpose; influence of modified atmosphere

Peerasak Chaiprasart, Thailand

Associate Professor
Faculty of Agriculture Environment and Natural Resources
Naresuan University


Shelf-life of Phytosanitary Irradiated 'Nam Doc Mai Si Thong' Mango (Mangifera indica L.) as Influenced by Modified Atmosphere Packaging

Peerasak Chaiprasart1, Phongrapi Wichitkunanan1, Nutchanat Phakdee1, Hannarong Shamsub2, Suwimol Jetawattana2.

1Faculty of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand; 2Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization), Nakhon Nayok, Thailand

          Irradiation is a phytosanitary treatment used in the international trade of fresh fruits and vegetables. It slows down the ripening process by delaying respiration rate and ethylene production in different fruits. Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is a climacteric and perishable fruit that requires sophisticated postharvest treatment to increase its shelf life and allow it to be sent internationally. The study was carried out on a commercial-scale experiment to see how modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) affected the shelf-life of irradiation 'Nam Doc Mai Si Thong' mango. After the postharvest process was completed, we placed four packages of white ethylene-absorbing bags (WEB1 and WEB2) and polypropylene (MAP1 and MAP2) into each corrugated box, which differed in attributes such as oxygen transmission rate (OTR).The mangoes were then exposed to 400 Gray x-ray or gamma radiations. The irradiated-MAP storage investigations were carried out in a 40-foot refrigerated container at 13–15 °C for 15 days, then at ambient temperature (25–27 °C). At both storage conditions, the respiration rate of mangoes in WEB1 and WEB2 packages with OTR less than 10,000 cc/m2/24 h slowly increased. During the storage time in ambient, the ethylene production in WEB1 and WEB2 packages remained steady. After being refrigerated at 13–15 °C, these WEB considerably reduced the disease incidence rate of mangoes. The ripening process was effectively slowed, and the physicochemical properties of the mangoes were retained for up to 24 days, compared to 15 days shelf-stable in the non-MAP package. When x-rays were used, similar findings were observed. To lengthen the shelf life of the 'Nam Doc Mai Si Thong' mango, irradiation and proper modified atmosphere packaging can be coupled.

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