Posters - Networking - Exhibition

Wednesday November 09, 2022 from 13:30 to 17:00


POS-19 Generation of high value-added ginsenosides from white ginseng extract solution by ionizing radiation

Ju-Woon Lee, Korea

PSA Co. Ltd


Generation of high value-added ginsenosides from white ginseng extract solution by ionizing radiation

Ju-Woon Lee1,5, Mi-Jin Kwon2, Young Ho Cho3, Kwan-Soo Kim4, Sang-Chul Kim5, Hao Chen6, Chengbi Cui7, Youn-Miik Lim8, Byungnam Kim8.

1Headquarter, PSA CO. LTD, Pusan, Korea; 2R&D Center, PSA CO. LTD, Pusan, Korea; 3Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Konyang University, DAejeon, Korea; 4Headquarter, Greenpia Technology Inc, Yeoju, Korea; 5R&D Center, Greenpia Technology Inc, Yeoju, Korea; 6Headquarter, Sichuan Institute of Atomic Energy, Chengdu, P.R. China; 7Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Yanbian University, Yanji, P.R. China; 8Radiation Utiilization and Facility Management Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Jeongeup, Korea


Processed ginsengs (PG) are traditionally manufactured from white ginseng (WG) by steam for extension of shelf-life and for generation of new ginsenosides (GS). It was reported that Rb1 was converted to Rg3 by gamma irradiation (GI) (Kim et al., 2012). This study was conducted to apply radiartion technology (RT) for generation of high value-added GSs.


The extract solution (10% w/v) of WG was prepared and was irradiated at absorbed doses of 5, 10, 15 or 20 kGy. GI was performed in a cobalt-60 irradiator. Electron beam irradiation (EB) was also performed using 2.5 MeV electron beam accelerator. The contents of GSs, Rb1, Rb4, Rg1, Rg3, Rg5 and Rk1, were analyzed using an HPLC system with a diode array detector (Kang et al., 2018). 


Table 1 shows the changes of contents of 6 GSs. It was not observed on the difference of radiation types in all samples. Among GSs, Rb1 and Rg1 were only determined at 0 kGy. New generations of four GSs were apparently observed in all irradiated samples (Song et al., 2022). 

Rb1 and Rg1 might be converted to Rk1 and Rg5 via Rg3  in  protopanaxadiol group and to Rh4 via Rh1 in protopanaxatriol, respectively (Fig. 1).

This result appears the similar tendency of the generation of GSs by the steam treatment using at traditional ginseng processing or bioconversion method (Kim et al., 2009). More studies in condition of sample and irradiation environment should be necessary to enhance the effect of RT for practical production with commercial scale.




Kang, J.A., et al. 2018. Food Chem. Tox. 133–143.

Kim, S.N., et al., 2009. Korean J. Food. Sci. Technol. 41, 77-81.

Kim, J.H., et al., 2012. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 81, 1128–1131.

Song, H.Y., et al., 2022. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 194, 110013. 

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