Posters - Networking - Exhibition

Wednesday November 09, 2022 from 13:30 to 17:00


POS-26 Advantage of electron beam crosslinking compare to chemical curing for wire and cable application

Amit Samanta, India

Vice President ( Technical)
Apar Industries Limited


Advantage of electron beam crosslinking compare to chemical curing for wire and cable application


1Research And Development, Apar Industries Limited, Umbergaon, India

Advantage of electron beam crosslinking compare to chemical curing for wire and cable application

Apar Industries limited manufactured different varieties of cables like HT XLPE, LT XLPE, Optical fibre & Elastomeric cables. Elastomeric cables can be crosslinked by chemical curing as well as E-beam curing. Chemical curing is done by adding curing agent like peroxide & Sulphur with compound & crosslinked in presence of heat. Normal medium voltage & high voltage cables are manufactured by chemical curing. E-beam curing cables does not required curing agent .β ray knocks the polymer chain & bond brakes which generates free radical. This free radical links & crosslinking happens. Chemical cured cables are flexible compare to E-beam cured cable & used in moving application .E-beam cured cables are less flexible which is used in fixed application. E-beam curing cable can be used at high operating temperature up to 250 °C. Chemical curing cables normally archives up to 90°C. operating temperature. E-beam cured cable can manufactured in low thickness & weight compare to chemical curing cables as no curing agent added. Maximum number of polymer like Nylon, PVC, and ETFE including polyolefin can be crosslinked by beam. Nylon, PVC & ETFE cannot crosslinked by chemical curing.

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