Phyto-1: Commercial trade

Tuesday November 08, 2022 from 08:30 to 10:00

Room: Air

Phyto-1.2 Phytosanitary irradiation in Mexico: The first 11 years and an outlook for those to come


Phytosanitary irradiation in Mexico: the first 11 years and an outlook for those to come

Arved Deecke1.

1Founder, member of the board, BENEBION, Guadalajara, , Mexico

BENEBION started operations in 2011 as one of the then few pioneers in phytosanitary irradiation world wide. The company built its first gamma pallet irradiator provided by NORDION and brokered opportunities of market aspects between mexican growers of tropical perisahbles to the US retail market. The company has since evolved to carry a broad treatment portfolio, still focusing on its unique position to treat perishables, but also expanding into medical device sterilization, irradiation of frozen foods, dehydrated spices, pet food and treats amongs other product. The presentation offers a review of the first 11 years of operation, lessons learnt, challenges, opportunities and a perspective for future growth.



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