Tech-5: Implementing EB–X technology

Wednesday November 09, 2022 from 08:30 to 10:00

Room: Lunar

Tech-5.4 Development of an X-Ray and E-beam system in Australia

Eric Beers, Canada

Director, Business Development & Customer Operations


Development of an X-Ray and E-beam system in Australia

Murray Lynch1, Eric Beers2.

1Steritech Pty Ltd, Dandenong South, Australia; 2Steris, Stittsville, ON, Canada

In 2012, Steritech and Mevex began a discussion about developing and building a first unique electron beam and X-Ray processing facility in Australia for multi-application processing. 

The main drivers for this discussion were Steritech’s desire to expand it operations in radiation processing and their previous regulatory difficulties with the expansion in Australia.

The system desired needed to be able to process many different types of product at highly variable doses and density ranges, from sterilization to phytosanitary disinfestation. It also needed to be able ot handle full pallets of product and carton level product processing.

Mevex had been developing a new style pallet type X-Ray system with the capability to run in electron beam mode with energy levels from 5 to 10 MeV. This unique system direction was determined to have capabilities to provide Steritech what they desired with a truly unique and flexible X-ray and Electron beam processing facility for their expansion.

This combined talk will discuss both the user (Steritech) perspective on application need as well as the supplier (Mevex) process for answering this need and then the combined development and execution of this truly unique new facility and its success in this market.

Presentations by Eric Beers

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