RadSter-2 - Forum
RadSter-2: Competency in sterilization

Tuesday November 08, 2022 | 10:30 to 12:00
Room: Moon


Introduction to the session and the Society for Sterility Assurance Professional (SfSAP)
Mr. Arthur Dumba, Switzerland
The Society for Sterility Assurance Professionals, Selzach

Global auditor competency in an evolving radiation sterilization landscape
Kimberly W Patton, United States
PRI, Sumter

Beyond read & learn for SMEs
Mr. Vu Le, United States
Abbott Labs, Temecula

Delivering training to develop competent professionals - Pathways to overcome challenges
Ms. Ivy Louis, India

The journey from novice to expert and the spectrum of possibilities
Dr. James Vesper, United States
ValSource, Rochester

Q&A and Conclusion
Mr. Arthur Dumba, Switzerland
The Society for Sterility Assurance Professionals, Selzach

If you have any questions, please email us (info@imrp-iia.com) or come to the onsite registration desk.
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