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IBA INDUSTRIAL is the world leader in electron and proton accelerators for industrial applications. Its unique E-beam, X-ray and Proton treatment solutions are used across the world.

Today, IBA Industrial brings to the market a new value proposition, an experience it lives with its Customers through the whole journey. This experience is called BEYOND™, a commitment to go above any expectations.

Its end-to-end solutions are available for all meaningful applications such as medical devices sterilization, food pasteurization, property enhancement for various materials, etc

IBA Industrial cares about its Customers from start to infinity. It accompanies them in each step of the project from site planning and optimization, engineering, and integration of all operational sub-systems to assistance in operation and BEYOND.

Over 280 IBA Industrial accelerators are used in the world today, some for more than 50 years.

If you have any questions, please email us (info@imrp-iia.com) or come to the onsite registration desk.
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